
npm install @coolgk/mvc

A simple, lightweight javascript / typescript nodejs mvc framework that helps you to create object oriented, modular and testable code.

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This framework routes HTTP requests to class methods.

e.g. “GET /shop/product/description/1” calls the “description” method in “/modules/shop/controllers/product.js” (see example code below)

In this example request, “shop” is a module (folder), “product” is a controller (file), “description” is an action (method) and “1” is a parameter. The format of the request is /module/[controller]/[action]/[param]

The framework looks for files from the folder structure below.



The controller module must export a “default” property which is a class that extends the base “Controller” class from @coolgk/mvc/controller. Folder (module), file (controller) and method (action) names must be in lowercase without special characters except for hyphens and numbers /[a-z0-9\-]/ or in camelCase if a request contains hyphens e.g. action-one is converted to actionOne

product.js controller example

const { Controller } = require('@coolgk/mvc/controller');

class Product extends Controller {
     * @param {object} dependencies - this param is destructured in this example
     * @param {object} dependencies.params - url param values based on the patterns configured in getRoutes()
     * @param {object} dependencies.globals - the object passed into the router's constructor
     * @param {*} dependencies.services - services returned by getServices()
    description ({ params, services, globals }) {
        // globals contains global dependencies passed into the router class (see example below)

     * setup valid routes to methods
    getRoutes () {
        return {
            GET: {
                description: ':id' // allow GET request to access the description() method

     * setup local dependencies
    getServices () {
        return {
            model: new (require('../models/model.js'))()

     * setup permission callbacks for accessing methods
    getPermissions () {
        return {
            // * the is default permission for all methods in this class
            // can be used for checking app level permissions e.g. login sessions etc.
            '*': () => false, // false = deny all by default
            // true or Promise<true>: skip permission check for the description() method
            'description': () => true

exports.default = Product;

Entry Point (Router)

index.js / server.js however you name it…

An example of using express with this framework

const express = require('express');
const { Router } = require('@coolgk/mvc/router');

const app = express();

app.use(async (request, response, next) => {

    // initialise router
    const router = new Router({
        rootDir: __dirname, // required
        url: request.originalUrl, // required
        method: request.method, // required
        response // you can pass anything into router, these variables are injected into controllers methods in globals

    // router.route() returns the return value of the controller method if the return value is not falsy
    // otherwise it returns an object formatted by the "response" object (see the documention for @coolgk/mvc/response at the bottom)
    // e.g. { code: 200, text: 'SUCCESS' }, { code: 200, json: {...} }, { code: 200, file: { name: ..., path: ... } } etc.
    const result = (await router.route());

    // for handling 404 / 403 returned from the router
    result && result.code && response.status(result.code).send(result.text);



Unit Test

Dependencies are injected into methods, you can easily mock them in your tests.

'use strict';

const sinon = require('sinon');
const expect = require('chai').expect;

describe('Test Example', function () {
    // this test is for the example code in https://github.com/coolgk/node-mvc/tree/master/src/examples
    // i.e. not the product.js controller above
    const ControllerClass = require(`../javascript/modules/example/controllers/extended`).default;

    let controller;
    let params;
    let response;
    let services;
    let globals;

    beforeEach(() => {
        // initialise controller for each test case
        controller = new ControllerClass();
        // setup dependencies
        params = { id: 123 };
        // create test spy on global dependency: response
        response = {
            json: sinon.spy()
        // create test stub on local dependency: services
        services = {
            model: {
                getUser: sinon.stub().returns({ name: 'abc' })
        // create test stub on global dependency: globals
        globals = {
            session: {
                getAll: sinon.stub().returns({ session: 'data' })

    it('should show user name and session', async () => {
        await controller.user({ params, response, services, globals });
            user: { name: 'abc' },
            session: { session: 'data' }


More Examples

JavaScript Examples

TypeScript Examples TypeScript version of the examples above

Report bugs here: https://github.com/coolgk/node-mvc/issues


Base controller class

Kind: global class

controller.getRoutes() ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of Controller
Returns: object - - routes that can access controller methods. Format: { [HTTP_METHOD]: { [CLASS_METHOD_NAME]: [PARAM_PATTERN], … } }

controller.getPermissions(dependencies) ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of Controller
Returns: object - - { [CLASS_METHOD_NAME]: [CALLBACK], … } the callback should return a boolean or Promise

Param Type Description
dependencies object global dependencies passed into the router’s controller

controller.getServices(dependencies) ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of Controller
Returns: object - - class dependencies, which is injected into the class methods by the router

Param Type Description
dependencies object global dependencies passed into the router’s controller


setting / getting standard responses in controllers

Kind: global class

response.getResponse() ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of Response
Returns: object - - last set response. format: { code: number, json?: any, status?: string, file?: { path: string, name?: string } }

response.send(data, [code]) ⇒ object

set arbitrary response

Kind: instance method of Response
Returns: object - - set response. format: { code: number, …data }

Param Type Default Description
data object   any json data
[code] number 200 http status code

response.json(json, [code]) ⇒ object

set a json response

Kind: instance method of Response
Returns: object - - set response. format: { code: number, json }

Param Type Default Description
json object   any json data
[code] number 200 http status code

response.text([text], code) ⇒ object

set a http status response

Kind: instance method of Response
Returns: object - - set response. format: { code, status }

Param Type Default Description
[text] string   text in response
code number 200 http status code

response.file(path, [name], [type], [code]) ⇒ object

set a file download response

Kind: instance method of Response
Returns: object - - set response. format: { file: { path, name }, code }

Param Type Default Description
path string   file path
[name] string   file name, if undefined require(‘path’).basename(path) will be used
[type] string   mime type
[code] number 200 http status code


Kind: global class

new Router(options)

Param Type Description
options object  
options.url string request.url or request.originalUrl from expressjs
options.method string http request method GET POST etc
options.rootDir string root dir of the app
[options.urlParser] function a callback for parsing url params e.g. /api/user/profile/:userId. default parser: @coolgk/url

router.route() ⇒ promise

this method routes urls like /moduleName/controllerName/action/param1/params2 to file modules/modulename/controllers/controllerName.js

Kind: instance method of Router
Returns: promise - - returns a controller method’s return value if the return value is not falsy otherwise returns standard response object genereated from the response methods called inside the controller methods e.g. response.json({…}), response.file(path, name) …see code examples in decoupled.ts/js or full.ts/js

router.getModuleControllerAction() ⇒ object

Kind: instance method of Router
Returns: object - - {module, controller, action, originalModule, originalController, originalAction} originals are values before they are santised and transformed e.g. /module…/ConTroller/action-one -> {action: ‘module’, controller: ‘controller’, action: ‘actionOne’, originalModule: ‘module…’, originalController: ‘ConTroller’, originalAction: ‘action-one’ }